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I can't believe I'd never seen this before In this a. I've never understood the appeal of anachronistic pieces like this personally Episode V. Finally saw it Vorenus decides he'll put together a proper dowry for his daughter when he sells his slaves Pullo doesn't want to go to camp "It's boring" Caesar spins it for 'hoi polloi' Caesar and Servilia playing dice Servilia won MA boring Atia with all sorts of political talk; she seems upset when he tells her that Servilia has 'unmanned' Caesar Atia whining to Octavius Pullo addresses him as "young dominus" Octavius is incredibly astute advises Pullo not to tell of his suspicions about Niobe and another man Scene in a bath MA not happy Back to the Pompeians Cicero's thinking of going to his farm; asks Brutus to go She also curses Atia Octavius says he's lying; we have to kill you Pullo wants to kill him but Octavius holds him back Octavius tells Pullo that Vorenus must never know Back to Vorenus Caesar shows up to find the Pompeians have sailed for Greece Latin Proverb for the Day.
Mea anima est tamquam tabula rasa. Paul of Venice, ca. It was a debate between the thoughts of Aristotle and Plato that our professor was attempting to create. I do remember that when I was in seminary, the question surfaced again in discussions around anthropology of theology: what does it mean to be human. Socratic questioning has always been intriguing to me. One cannot ask questions of a blank page—and expect to get anything back. The socratic teacher enters a room full of divine sparks, asks a few well placed questions, and enjoys the light show.
The reality is, though, that we can and do leave our imprints on others--especially children, for good and for ill. My own view is that human beings come with something already in place--divine sparks for lack of a better term, AND that children are treated as blank pages which the adults in their lives write all over from the beginning. Very often, the divine spark gets lost underneath everyone else's verbage. What difference does it make how we view others around us—blank pages or sparks that have been there from before the beginning?
This Day in Ancient History. Classical Words of the Day. Briullov's Pompeii. New Sappho Redux. Glaukopis points us to Patrick Rourke's new transcription of the Sappho fragment that was circulating on the web a while back, apparently with some errors. Roman Fort in Alcester? A tease for an article in the paper version of the Stratford-Upon-Avon Herald : AN archeological dig in Alcester has unearthed what are thought to be the remains of a Roman fort.