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Discovering the Decades was created in honor of the City's th Birthday in Some of the original articles have since been updated based on new research. Each Decade starts with Points in Time , a timeline of national and global events to place Alexandria's history in a wider perspective.
As a colony, Virginia's early history was inextricably tied to events in Great Britain. At such a distance on a sparsely settled continent however, its interests and development quickly diverged from those of its mother country. Virginia grew increasingly self-governing. Complaints of restrictive rule by the Virginia Company led to the Company's approval of a Charter of Grants and Liberties, which made the colony's government subject to the popular will as expressed through a representative legislature, the House of Burgesses.
It was far from universal suffrage, however, as women, African slaves and landless whites had no say in politics. As a royal colony after , Virginia generally enjoyed benign neglect, except with regard to the collection of the King's revenues. Even the period of the English Civil War and the Commonwealth , which shook England to its foundations, left the Old Dominion relatively unscathed.
In fact, most Virginians remained loyal to the monarchy during Cromwell 's rule one reason why so many latter-day Virginians would claim descent from the Cavaliers. Except for occasional scares and the depression of trade, England's numerous wars with France, Spain and Holland did not greatly affect the sparsely populated Virginia colony. Because of its distance from Canada and Florida, however, Virginia remained relatively uninvolved even during the colonial " King William's War " and " Queen Anne's War " , the first two of the French and Indian Wars.