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Quotes of the Day:. Opinion: My family lost the Civil War. Last year they finally gave up this symbol of power. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, April 29, US determines 5 Israeli security units committed human rights violations before outbreak of Gaza war.
Chinese water cannon damages ship in new South China Sea flare-up, Philippines says. The wartime outrage in Israel that no one is talking about. Haiti: A Best-Case Scenario. China watches as the U. Ranger legend Col. Ralph Puckett honored at U. This new Marine Corps helicopter refueled from a Navy tanker while carrying a Navy fighter.
Why Xi created a new Information Support Force, and why now. Beyond China's Black Box. Beards, Satire, and Change? A powerful essay worth reflecting on. A change of command ceremony in June , when the base now called Fort Novosel was still called Fort Rucker, in honor of the author's Confederate ancestor.
Sara E. Denise Rucker Krepp, a career Navy civilian employee, is a former Maritime Administration chief counsel who started her federal career as a Coast Guard officer. The views expressed in this commentary are her own.