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Forgot your password? I reckon most senpais here are correct, and a red Legioss is likely the next Mospeada release from Sentinel. Thank goodness, someone finally took a photo of fighter mode without the damn missile pod in the center. Knuckles DewPoint. Yeah, despite how well the Imai missile pod addition helps lock everything in place for Armo-Fighter, it's not canon and never will be. Crap like that stays in the box, thank you very much.
Between my extensive collection of unpunched carded Star Wars figures that I have no intention of opening and third-party Masterpiece Transformers that I have no intention of transforming , most of my toys are strictly for display. I still consider them toys You could've just quoted that particular pic, then, rather than regurgitating my whole post I still consider them toys, if only to honor their design intentions.
Sorry, I fixed it. Sometimes I forget this forum shows the whole set of pics in its entirety when you quote it. Thank you tekering for your review.
What I meant to say was can the arms swing further forward at the hinge to the "M" on Mars Base 21? Anyway, its a very nice toy nonetheless. My toys get transformed once if that and put on display never to be transformed again. I'm not interested in toys as something to play with.