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To browse Academia. Job specification requirement is one of the most significant human resource activities. It provides the recruiting team with the specific abilities, capabilities and personal traits that would enable an employee perform a given job. Hospitals need to comprehend and implement strategies that will improve the performance of employees in order to achieve the required outcomes from them.
Inadequate attention on job specification at work has retarded the zeal to maximize worker performance. Work performance has been found to be very low to workers who their job specification has not been taken keenly.
The study also adopted descriptive cross sectional survey design based on a sample drawn from across the south rift region. The population of interest in the study consisted of the employees at sub county hospitals in Kericho County. The study focused on hospital managers, Clinical Officers, nurses and other hospital staff.
The study therefore targeted a total of employees using census inquiry. Tables were used to represent results. Descriptive statistics, frequencies, percentages, mean and standard and inferential statistics, multiple regression was used to analyze data. Heru Budihantho. The research that has been conducted aims to determine the factors that affect employee performance at the Dr.