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The brain grows larger, neural interconnections continue to develop, and lateralization emerges. Gross and fine motor skills advance quickly.
Children can throw and catch balls, run, use forks and spoons, and tie shoelaces. Children show egocentric thinking viewing world from their own perspective and "centration," a focus on only one aspect of a stimulus. Children begin to see peers as individuals and form friendships based on trust and shared interests. Gross motor skills biking, swimming, skating, ball handling and fine motor skills writing, typing, fastening buttons continue to improve.
Understanding of conservation that changes in shape do not necessarily affect quantity and transformation that objects can go through many states without changing emerge. Language pragmatics social conventions and metalinguistic awareness self-monitoring improve. Children refer to psychological traits to define themselves. Sense of self becomes differentiated. Self-esteem grows differentiated, and a sense of self-efficacy an appraisal of what one can and cannot do develops.
Children approach moral problems intent on maintaining social respect and accepting what society defines as right. Friendship patterns of boys and girls differ. Boys mostly interact with boys in groups, and girls tend to interact singly or in pairs with other girls. Primary sexual characteristics develop affecting the reproductive organs , as do secondary sexual characteristics pubic and underarm hair in both sexes, breasts in girls, deep voices in boys. Adolescents use formal logic to consider problems in the abstract.